Internet Security Technology
Security Through Encryption:
Sending data over an Internet source can have consequences if measures are not taken to secure the information. By using encryption, which is a process to make data unreadable to third parties, it is possible to ensure the information is only readable by the receiver with the right key. The key will decode the data to the receiver. A longer key will result in a stronger encryption.
Encryption systems have two options available for the sender: private and public encryption. In the case of a public encryption, two keys are involved in the process. A public key is used by the sender to encrypt the data and is used by anyone. The receiver uses the private key, which is not shared by anyone else, to decode the message sent with the encrypted data.
In the case of a private encryption, only one key is used. A private key both encrypts the data and decodes the information. The sender must provide the private key to the receiver over a network that is secured to decode the information that was provided.
Basics of Secure Socket Layer:
A secure socket layer, or SSL, is designed to offer security over an online source. The SSL protocol is made to support both the server and the client authentication for better security measures. It is an application-independent protocol, so other online protocols like HTML are also layered on the SSL protocol. The browser that contains an SSL enhancement encrypts the data sent from a browser and provides certification that authenticates websites and clients using the web.
Basics of a Secured Shell :
A program that is used to help provide greater security is a secured shell, or Ssh. The program allows users to log into another computer in the same network, move files and execute commands that come from another system.
Since a secured shell is used to send information, it provides specific benefits. The benefits of a secured shell include secured communication when sending data over an unsecured network, secure connections and forwarding of TCP connections and encrypted communications for better overall security while sending data to another party.
Firewalls for Security:
A firewall refers to a type of filtering system that allows a user to set the type of information that can freely travel to and from the network or computer. By putting up a firewall, the user is able to block intrusions like probes and scans. In most cases, a firewall is used for personal security.
Although a firewall can be either software or hardware in a computer, it performs a similar function. In every case, a basic firewall is the entry point where packets of information are filtered. When data is sent to the system, the filter will look through the information before it reaches any other destination. In the case of information sent from the computer, the data is filtered in a firewall last. The user can filter based on IP addresses, the destination port where information will end up or the type of protocol involved in the data.
While a basic firewall will provide some protection, adding Circuit Relay or Circuit Level Gateway will increase the security features. The Circuit Relay operates on the transport layer and uses rules that are configured by the user to determine if the connection is valid. If connections are valid on both sides, then the traffic is permitted for a set amount of time.
The most secure type of firewall is an application level gateway. This type of gateway is a proxy for applications that performs the data exchanges with the remote system. A set of rules is provided and the traffic that is allowed or disallowed will depend on whether it fits within the guidelines of the rules.
Using OpenSource:
Filtering information under Linux requires an ipchains program. This type of firewall is designed to allow users to set up more complicated IP filtering specifications and the support is compiles in a Linux kernel.
Any computer that is running a Linux 2.4x or higher can use the netfilter or iptables project for packet filtering, Network Address Translation or the mingling of packets. It is a type of firewall that is designed for Linux. ......
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